We are two weeks into our homeschool journey since our school district decided to extend spring break indefinitely due to COVID-19. I completely understand our superintendent's decision to keep our schools closed. I know that this decision was not made lightly, but my heart does break for those students who sought school as a refuge… Continue reading

The Diet Daniel Never Told You About

So here's the rundown. We all have our reasons for starting a new diet, but never could I imagined that I would 1) complete this challenge 2) enjoy the journey 3) develop a love for vegan recipes and 4) grow spiritually while doing so. Frankly, I just wanted to detox, but God saw fit that… Continue reading The Diet Daniel Never Told You About

Hand, Foot and Mouth

We have finally returned to normalcy after 10 days. Miles caught the dreaded of all pre-school viruses, Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. It is horrible and honestly, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy's children, much less my worst enemy. Miles came to our bedroom one morning very lethargic. He didn't even attempt to… Continue reading Hand, Foot and Mouth

Currently Grooving To

This new Justin Timberlake album is everything. No, I  mean it. I instantly get happy when I'm listening to it and I can't keep still. It's like something just grabs hold of me and suddenly my shoulders are pulsating, my head is bobbing and I'm mouthing the words (even if I'm fumbling through them) like… Continue reading Currently Grooving To